Èesky     This page connects all the links which refer to my personality in some way     Deutsch
(soon I will get them all "under the same roof")


The homepage of my current band "Grapefruit Moon" - http://fly.to/grapefruitmoon ( !!! new tourdates !!! )

At my university homepage you can find the impotant facts about ELTO in 1997 and about my other bands - http://www1.osu.cz/home/xsojka

Adam Parma's university homepage - here you can find info about ELTO in 1998 - http://www1.osu.cz/home/xparma

The homepage of ELTO in 1999, which I take care of, although I do not act here anymore - https://members.tripod.com/elto99

The official homepage of the University of Ostrava - I am a 3rd year student of the combination German and English - http://www.osu.cz


Der Klub der Deutschen Musik & Jede Woche ein neuer Liedtext

Die Liste meiner deutschen Kassetten mit Hyperlinks zu den Texten auf Internet

Deutsche Rechtschreibung - Regeln und Wörterverzeichnis - Amtliche Regelung - Copyright: Angelika Storrer

